Friday, August 21, 2009

I finally uploaded my comic page for Sweet Dark Sugar. I was very worried that maybe I wouldn't be able to think of any more ideas but I have so many now. Anyways just staying at home, and listening to the movie "13 going on 30" which my sister is watching right now. I can't even keep track of how many times she's watched that. But I guess I'm not innocent when it comes to "Sweeney Todd", since I have the soundtrack and watched the movie lots.

I have to clean out the barn tomorrow since my cats have been sheltered there. The barn has only one light, and it's skunk and porcupine season here. I've seen two skunks in the two barns a couple years ago. I ran as fast as I could. I'm just scared that when I go into the barn this time there might be some creature ready to scare me.

We still have raspberry crisp here and I'm worried it's going to go bad since no one will take the last piece. I might have to take all of it -evil laugh- Last time I made rhubarb crisp and I was so surprised it turned out delicious! I'm going to create a different type of crisp.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Making a new Character

I'm making a new male character for AM so I hope that he will be well accepted into the mansion. It is intresting to create a collab and see all the different art work and pages the authors make. It's actually very addicting. Speaking of addicting I think I will try and make up a recipe for a kind of Crisp, like rhubarb crsip but different. I will see when I can have time and post my results of said recipe.

Making comics

It's kind of easy to make comics if I have an idea and know what to write and draw. Then all I have to do is colour it, scan it and add word bubbles.